Many countries
have lawsthat makebuyingcar
insuranceis requiredbefore you
leave.So ifyou owna car,you've probablyheard
ofauto insurance.But
understandingexactly how it works?
Thepurpose of insuranceis to pay forproperty damagethat occurredin the bodyafter the accident.Registration Actrequires allvehicles to beinsuredif they are runon a regular basisor not. The insurance mustbe at leastunder statelaw called"liability insurance". This
varies fromstate to state. Liability
insurancecoversdamage toyour caroranother
personthat you are responsiblefor
the accident. For example, if your policy requires
thatthestate plan25/50/10means that$
25,000isfor personalinjuries to another driver, $ 50,000covers medical expensesfor personalinjuriesto anyaccidentand $ 10,000to pay for theproperty damage.
Somestates follow thetort system. Under this system,one of the partiesinvolved in the accidentis believed to beresponsible for it.Guilty andyour insurance companyshould pay forall damagescaused by accidents. Some states alsorequire a "no-fault
insurance." This coveragepays intended
for reparation, apart from of who was by the side of
responsibility in the mistake.All moneyraised throughthis insuranceis intended tofundandinsurancecompanies, which are
paid to entities ofother hospitals toprovide treatmentor garageto repair your car.
Beware of companiesthat offer lowautoinsurance rates, but chargehuge sumsNo
deductibleswrong. Some statesrequire that you purchaseuninsuredmotorist coveragewith the insure.This isto make easier protectbeside injure bring
about byuninsured driversto
CoveragePersonal Injury
Protection(requiredin some
states andoptionalin others)pays the medical expensesof theinsured driver, regardless of who isat fault.This is especially usefulfor drivers wholive in statesthat follow thetort system. Comprehensive coveragepays for damageto the vehiclecausedby anything otherthan anaccidentreasons.This
includesdamage due tovandalism,theft ornatural causessuch because quake, storm with overflow.
Considersome other importanttypes ofcoveragecompensatesfor medical insurance andcollisioncoverage. Nocar insurancepremiumthat you pay forthe wholeset. Itvariesfrom person to person, and various factorssuch as age, history, gender, type ofvehicle,
driving and living, deductibles, coveragedepends onthe
type andtothe state. Before purchasingcar insurance,be sure to gothrough themandatorygovernment requirements.